Welcome to Shelley Martinez Coaching!

Little monsterDo you feel like you have a little monster stalking you that you really can’t seem to identify? It expresses itself through you in the form of procrastination, compulsive behaviors, and/or anxiety?

Or does any of this sound familiar?

  • You do so much retail therapy that the UPS guys know how you take your morning coffee.
  • You snap at your kids because you forget that the person in charge is the one who reads the bedtime stories and doesn’t watch Bluey for fun.
  • When you feel calm or peaceful, it’s just weird, and you think your brain is scamming you.
  • Everything your partner says and does annoys you, so you cope with Chunky Monkey. Staring into the cardboard pint, you ask yourself, “Am I in a throuple with Ben & Jerry now?”
  • You are living some version of the phrase, “All work and no play makes Jill a dull girl.”
  • You often wake up and feel instantly behind, anxious, and like your “to-do” list is The Enemy.
  • You know that this isn’t the life you ordered and you wonder how you can send at least some of it back and start over.
  • Your anxiety or stress level is so high you feel like you’re playing Whack-A-Mole with your hair on fire most of the time.
  • But you know deep down you’re meant for so much more.

Don’t wait to have a life that brings you joy!

Learn how to harness your subconscious mind to work for you, instead of against you, and have the life you dream of and deserve. We’ll work together to cultivate power, confidence, and joy from the inside out with a journey that’s customized for you and your goals, without years of work, sacrificing yourself or the people you love.

Leash that Beast!

Learn the Secret to Happiness

Many people feel locked into patterns of anxiety, irritability, sadness and overwhelm. What if I told you it doesn’t have to be this way? That you aren’t a prisoner to your past AND that you already possess the basic tools to change these patterns?

Listen To Shelley's Latest Podcast

Master Stress Reduction with Shelley Martinez: Your Ultimate Instant Relaxation Toolkit.

Happy Clients

Shelley Martinez is a Life-CHANGING Coach. With her gentle and compassionate guidance, Shelley offers me insights into who I am and encourages complete self-acceptance. She helps me develop actionable plans for removing obstacles, which have conveniently held me back from realizing my potential. She helps me face my fears head on and move tow ard my life purpose that, until now, were only distant dreams. If you are ready to change your life, you better call Shelley. ~Merry G.
When I first started seeing [Shelley] … I was completely unsure of myself as a person. She has helped me gain invaluable tools on my healing journey, she provides a nonjudgement ear and relatable perspective… I began reaching out to Shelley whenever I need anchoring and grounding in my life, and seeing her always reminds me of how deeply cared for I am… When I first started working with her I had no sense of self value or worth… I can say that I’ve discovered facets of myself that I never thought I would. I’ve learned how to start loving myself and I think that has been the most valuable thing Shelley has offered me.

- Amaya L
I was surprised to realize that my way of thinking/looking at things can change pretty easily. Being able to self-support myself throughout this process has made it easier to keep newly learned techniques in mind when I need them. I was surprised by the noticeable changes in my thought process. I also appreciated that it’s not weird and spooky. That you allow people to proceed at their own pace.

- M Martinez.
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