The Inspired Life Alchemy Method

Features of Inspired Life Alchemy:

Be the Boss of Your Feelings:

Take control of your emotions with my “Catch & Release” framework. Learn to harness your feelings, making them work for you instead of against you.

Break Patterns of Self-Sabotage:

Overcome the old stories and habits that hold you back. By working with your subconscious mind, we’ll break the patterns that stand between you and your happiness in a supportive and effective way.

Work from the Inside Out:

95% of our thoughts, beliefs, actions, and feelings come from the subconscious mind. Unlike external solutions such as seminars, books, and advice, my method helps you break out of old patterns for good by addressing the root cause from within.

Re-wire Your Brain from Day 1:

Make your goals easier to achieve and feel more at peace. With integrative change work and rapid change hypnotherapy, you’ll learn to harness the power of your mind, retraining it to support your happiness and success.

Deepen Your Relationships With Others and Yourself:

Build stronger connections with your loved ones and yourself. An incredible career is important, but true fulfillment comes from living a life that prioritizes your values, gifts, dreams, and goals.

What you get with the Inspired Life Alchemy Program:

12 Weekly or BiWeekly 50-Minute 1:1 Coaching Sessions

Receive personalized guidance and support in dedicated one-on-one sessions. (Value: $4,800)

Emotional Freedom Toolkit

Manage day-to-day stressors and difficult feelings while rewiring your brain for more peace, happiness, and confidence with our proven methods. (Value: $297)

Voxer Access (Tues-Fri)

Get support during the week through Voxer, ensuring you’re never alone on your journey. (Value: $197)

Weekly Accountability and Homework

Stay on track with regular accountability and assignments designed to help you make consistent progress. (Value: $99)


When you choose to work with me and make payment within 48 hours of our discovery call, you’ll also receive these complimentary gifts worth $597!

A recorded session on a revolutionary tool called Mindful Looking, which will powerfully add to your skill set (Value: $197)

A bonus Inspired Life Blueprint 1:1 Session (Value $400)


Coaching is an asset for your future and will require some work and financial investment. Most of our work will be done in session, with homework in between that usually takes only a few minutes a day. This investment in yourself and your life will pay off quickly as you reach your goals, rewire your brain to be more positive and peaceful, and overcome barriers to loving your life! 

My package investment is: 

Paid in Full:  $2,999 (A $5,393 Value! You receive OVER 44% OFF!) 

I also offer payment plans for those who want more flexibility!

4 month Payment Plan: Monthly payments of $825 for 4 months

6 month Payment Plan: Monthly payments of $575 for 6 months

Inspired Life Alchemy Program Schedule: 

Week 1: Be the Boss of Your Feelings!

  • Change emotional habits to change your life
  • Basics of re-wiring your brain
  • Techniques to shift emotions quickly

Week 2: Use Your Feelings to Help You, Because They Work For You!

  • Understanding emotions- what, why, and how
  • The Catch and Release Framework
  • Advanced brain rewiring 


Week 3: Make Your Brain Do Your Bidding!

  • Your Brain is like Google
  • Daily practice for more happiness in 5 minutes
  • More advanced brain rewiring


Week 4: Advanced Brain Mechanics (Neuroplasticity)

  • Harnessing neuroplasticity
  • Techniques to maximize brain flexibility
  • Understanding memories and the stories we tell ourselves 


Week 5: Limiting Beliefs and MORE Advanced Re-Wiring Skills

  • Weeding out limiting beliefs
  • The curse of with perfectionism and comparison
  • Even more advanced skills for brain rewiring


Week 6: Finding Your Balance

  • Strategies for finding equilibrium
  • Techniques to maintain balance in life
  • Breaking self-sabotaging habits


Week 7: Love Yourself (and Others) Without Becoming a Lazy Pushover!

  • Understanding true compassion- it isn’t what you think!
  • Why self-compassion is HUGE for everyone
  • Techniques for self-compassion


Week 8: R-E-S-P-E-C-T!

  • Interpersonal power structure, 
  • Assertiveness and boundaries
  • Balancing power with authenticity

Week 9: Relationship Tune-Up

  • Strengthening your relationship with yourself
  • Communication that improves relationships
  • Creating deeper connections


Week 10: Yes, Please! I Want a More Awesome Life!

  • Philosophy of positivity and possibility
  • Connect with your values gifts, dreams, and goals
  • Empowering questions for an awesome life


Week 11: I Can’t Believe It’s This Easy, Dorothy!

  • Keeping old stories from throwing shade on your new life
  • How to be a BadAss in your life
  • Defining and pursuing your Big Dream


Week 12: Now, On To World Dominion!

  • Maintaining momentum and progress
  • Roadmap to living your Inspired Life
  • The power of dominion IRL

…Talking to [Shelley] feels like a warm hug from an old friend. I felt so safe with her because there was zero judgment, just pure understanding and curiosity…Her kindness just dissolves shame and guilt. If you are looking for a coach who actually cares about you profoundly instead of just going through the motions, Shelley absolutely is this person.

~ Paulina V

…anyone can benefit from [working with] you, and especially those who feel stuck trying the same types of tools over and over with some good success, but without the even momentary feeling of freedom… I feel empowered too…

~ N Patel

When I first started seeing [Shelley] … I was completely unsure of myself as a person. She has helped me gain invaluable tools on my healing journey, she provides a nonjudgement ear and relatable perspective… 

~ Amaya L

…working with Shelley was such a gift. i felt very free to be myself in her presence—and like there was no problem we couldn’t work through!

~ Lobsterbird

If you are ready to change your life, you better call Shelley. 

~ Merry G

…Take the plunge, there’s nothing to lose. [Shelley is] somebody that I can trust, somebody that is not judging,.. somebody whose heart cares and steers the right way and if you don’t try it you’re gonna stay on the fence. If you do [try], you’re gonna be better for it. So, get off the fence.

~ Sandra B

I know you want a life that reflects who you really are, what you values, your gifts, and your dreams. A life where you are empowered and can overcome any barrier. One where you get to deeply connect to yourself and the people you love most.


No matter how old you are or what you’ve tried before, this time will be different because you’ll learn how to approach issues from the inside out, where the root cause really is. This is going to be faster and easier than you imagined possible and the payoff is HUGE! The number one thing my clients comment on is how quickly and easily they make progress! You’ll gain the skills to be the boss of your feelings and brain for the rest of your life. In just a few months, (instead of years), you’ll be able to change the patterns that have held you back and kept you playing small in your life, for good!


What’s your Big Dream? Live the Inspired Life you’ve always deserved and been meant to live, now!

Let’s Schedule a Free Call to Get Started!


Ready to start working together or have questions? Email me